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Penile Cancer: Symptoms

Penile Cancer: Symptoms

What are the symptoms of penile cancer?

Most men with penile cancer will have skin changes early on. But you may not notice a growing spot or have symptoms until the cancer is in its later stages. You may notice symptoms but think they are from something other than cancer. See a healthcare provider if you have any changes in the skin of your penis, such as:

  • An ulcer, sore, or growth on the penis. The growth is usually painless. But it can be painful in some cases. It usually shows up on the glans or the foreskin, but it can also be on the shaft of the penis.

  • Changes in skin color, the skin gets thick, or tissue growth

  • A growing, changing, or new mole

  • A red, velvet-like rash

  • Bleeding from a growth or sore

  • Small and crusty bumps

  • Flat growths with a bluish brown color

  • A discharge under the foreskin, with or without an odor

  • Swelling at the tip of the penis

  • Swelling in the groin area. This may be caused by an enlarged lymph node.

When to see your healthcare provider

Many of these symptoms may be caused by other health problems. But it is important to see your healthcare provider if you have these symptoms. Only a healthcare provider can tell if you have cancer.

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